Sunday, November 30, 2008

Kite Runner

Do you really think that Amir is a honorable person?


Mike Sipes said...

I don't think that Amir is a bad person. Yes he dindn't help Hassan when he was in trouble but he still is a good husband and he was a ood son.

Drew B. said...

I think that Amir was an honorable person. Just because somebody does a dishonorable thing, that does not mean they are dishonorable. It's kind of like the cliche "There is no such thing as bad people, just good people who make poor decisions."

Amir does show remorse for how he treated Hassan, and I think that that is a sign of an honorable person.

Mike Childs said...

I don't think that Amir was a totally bad person. He did make some bad choices and did take Hassan and his father's love for granted. But in the end I believe he knew what he did was wrong and if he could take it back he would. Something I think an honorable person would do.

ttk said...

I do not think Amir is neccesarily a bad person in the sense that he means to do harm. I think that he is insecure and feels only secure in talking and being around Hassan. However, Amir does show remorse for treating Hassan the way he does, this is evident in the scene where Amir is encouraging Hassan to throw a tomato at him and even instigates in the hope of Hassan snapping and throwing a tomato. This is Amir's way of showing remorse.

ttk said...

this is terry shuman

Cameron said...

I do think Amir is an honorable peson because he did go save Hassan’s child. It took a lot of courage and perseverance to save the child because he had to run into the Taliban. Amir did save the child and felt cleansed from sin, so I believe he is an honorable person.


Yes he is a honorable person. Sure he has done bad things in his life but, who hasn't. Everyone has made a wrong turn in life, but its what you do with it that makes you unique.

Derrick Samuelson said...

Yes i believe that Amir is a honorable person but he also did do some bad things in his life but not everyone is perfect or anywhere close. He should have helped out his best friend Hassan when he was getting raped. But he did go save his nephew.

Julian Jimenez said...

I think that Amir is a honorable person because he stuck to his word in the end of the story. He actually risked his life for Sohrab at the end and went through with his promises that he said he'd do when he was praying that Sohrab would be alright. Amir also is trying to make up for the bad choices he made when he was little but I feel like that he is trying to do everything to make it up to Hassan.

Jake Hulsey said...

I think Amir is an honorable person. As discussed in an earlyer blog, Amir could not do anything to help Hassan without getting hurt himself. It shows how much honor he does have by the fact that he went back and found Sohrah. He does many honorable things on his trip back and as others have said he is a good husband and son.

zach ackerman said...

I do think he is an honorable person. At the beginning he makes the mistake in not helping Hassan. But by the end he does so many heroic things to help Sohrab and really steps up in the role of being a friend towards Hassan indirectly. He proves himself to be honorable at the end of the story.

Kwells09 said...

I believe that he was an honorable person; although he didn't help his friend out when he was in need it still doesn't make him a bad person. He redeemed himself when he took his nephew in and fought for him.

Joey Barrick said...

I do believe that Amir is an honorable person. Yes it may have been wrong for him to stand back while his "best friend" got raped, but if you look at the big picture, I don't blame Amir for not stepping in. He was an eight year old boy. I didn't even know what rape was when I was eight so I'm sure he didn't either.
Also, by risking his life to save Sohrab, I think he did more than redeem himself for not helping Hassan.

CJones said...

I feel that when the novle started amir had more things leading up to him being a bad person. But as he grows he learns to understand what he has done in the past that he regrets.He starts new things to chnage his life around to make it better. And in the end Amir turns himself in to an honorable person.

Zuri Thorpe said...

In the beginning of the novel I saw Amir as a weak person that was overlooked and was out of place at times. But as the novel moved on I felt that Amir was starting learn about himself and how to stand for what he wanted. Even though he alway seemed to be overshadowed by someone or something. Yet he knew that one day he would have to face the lights of his life no longer behind the things that could sheild him. After he went to Afghanistan and dealt with what was at hand he gained honor.

Anonymous said...

I do think that he is a honorable person. Husaan is honorable because he became a man. Even though his childhoof was rough and he was a careless friend. He put all that to the side and went to save his nephew sohrab from Afganistan. So yes Amir is a very honorable person.

zach schwartzman said...

I truly do think that Amir is an honorable person. I think this becasue I really feel that even though Amir can be cowardous at times that he really is a good person and he just doesnt realize how strong he is and can be. I think that he will start to realize what is important in life and eventually he will defend himself and he will fight for what is right. I believe that he will learn to overcome his fear and he and other people will start to realize that he is and honorable human being.

Andrew Cosgrove said...

Yes I do think Amir is a horrible person because he betrays his best friend. You have to think after Hassan risks his life for him that Amir could have stop the rape. But instead he runs away and plants his watch in Hassan’s room and claiming he stole it. You only have to stop and think what kind of person Amir really is.

James Raymond said...

As the book progresses, Amir’s character has developed throughout time and has shown that, he is willing to make up for destroying a wonderful friendship. This shows his loyalty, love, and dedication on becoming a better person. He was willing to except what he did was wrong and would take responsibility for his actions.

Owen Doane said...

I do think that Amir is an honorable person. The fact that he went out of his way to rescue someone that he didn't even know proves that he was an honorable person. Though it was his blood relative that he rescued Amir had just found this out and had no recent ties to Sohrab that would give him any reason to risk his on safety and well-being, other than the fact that he was family.

Kirby Riehl said...

In the beginning of the story no, Amir was not an honorable person at all. When he help save Sohrab, I thought he was. He did not care for his "best friend" in the beginning of the book, who was raped for him. Saving Sohrab definitely help make him more honorable then he already was.

kicker said...

I do not think that Amir is a perfect person but he is also not a totally bad person either. Amir made some mistakes at the start of the book but he made up for it at the end.

tymetrius said...

I think that Amir has his mood swings because their is times where Amir wanted people to be failures so that he would be on tie but then he came to his senses and wnted to make his life and others much better and happier.

Cody Steward said...

I also wouldn't call him a bad person, but he surely isn't honorable. The only thing he shows honor in is Kite fighting, but even then Hassan mostly helps out there. Plus he treats Hassan like dirt, even though Hassan has stood up for him many a time, not exactly something an honorable person would do. And he doesn't seem to take responsibility for too much.

Vincent Peck said...

I do not think that Amir is a bad person, even though he made many many mistakes. I think he is just a person who is confused and mixed up, and is really good at heart deep down.

nick price said...

I'm not sure if honorable is the best word I'd use to describe Hassan, but he is most definitely not a bad or dishonorable person. The reason I say this is because when he made the mistakes he made, he was only a child. No child in the world is going to make all the right decisions and have a lot of courage like we would want him to have. And to talk about how Amir treats Hassan badly, that is just the culture he was raised in and does not know any better. But he is not a bad person because he feels horrible when he gets older and knows he made mistakes which is why I don't feel he is a completely bad or dishonorable person. Nobody is going to make all the right choices all the time, but to know when you do make a mistake and actually try to fix it shows some sense of honor.

nick price said...

I meant Amir, not Hassan.

st.joe#9Artis holt said...

As a kid he tried so hard to be but it just wasnt in him thats why he didnt help Hassan. However, as he got older he he strive himself to be wich he was.

Stefan said...

Amir, from the past, is not an honorable person because he let his best friend get raped. Since Amir went back to Kabul and rescued Sohrab, he is made up for his past because he risked his life to go against Taliban and save Sohrab. Also he brought Sohrab back with him to the US. So, I think that Amir is honorable.

sep said...

I dont necessarily believe that Amir is a bad guy, i just believe he was only out for himself as a youngster, but matures as he gets older. Towards the end of the novel he redeems himself.

ryankwasnik said...

Yes I do think that Amir is a horrible person. Who hides and watches their best friend get raped. Hassan is literally his brother and he should have stuck up for him in a time like that. He also is like a little girl and doesn’t know what he wants. All he knows is that he wants everyone’s attention and lets his father make decisions for him.

rob nicholl said...

I think Amir is an honorable person, but he did the thing that most people would do. If someone saw one of their friends being raped by much older kids, I don’t think they would spring into action and try to stop the kids that way he can get raped also.

Dirty Pete said...

I think that Amir truely is an honorable person. I believe that someone's past should not determine the rest of their life. Amir could also be considered a victim in the Hassan-raping incident. As he matured he felt it necessary to make things right between him and Hassan.

Corey Landon-09 said...

Amir I feel is a very honorable person. All the time people make mistakes no matter what It all depends on what you do after it. Yes Amir has betrayed his best friend many times but he thought at the time that it was the right choice even though he was a child. In the end he tried to fix the wrong that he committed even though it may not be fixed he tried and that’s what counts the most. From the beginning until the end people where trying to make the wrong right and I feel that Amir did the best that he could.