Saturday, January 10, 2009

Is Professor Lurie a creep

Do you believe that David Lurie is a creep for following those women


Stefan said...

David Lurie is a creep following those women. He is a middle aged man, twice divorced, living alone. Most of the women that he has been with are strangers and have been one time affairs that have quickly ended. The creepiest of them all is when he tries to pursue one of his students. He is much older than her. He evens states that she is a little girl and that this excites him. That alone makes him creepy.

Mike Sipes said...

Yes, David Lurie is a creeper because he follows woman around that are thirty years younger than he is. When he following the one girl from the class that he was teaching that was wrong. He had two wives and he is living alone and the worst thing that he says to her is that she is a little girl. Just thinking that is wrong.

Jake Hulsey said...

Yes David Lurie is most definitely a creep. He not only follows these women around but he goes as far as getting a detective, pulling records,etc. to get information and home phone numbers of the women he is pursuing. He has sex with one of his students who is alot younger than him, and he had been seing a prostitute before that. He is a creep and a stalker.

CJones said...

David Lurie getts alittle creepy when he follows thease women the way he dose. He is not a young man but a middle aged man that makes the situation worse. One of the women he tries to get with is one of his students. This putts the student in a bad postion in fear of a bad marks for not getting with him or to break it off. David gets alittle to intense for either of theases women.

ttk said...

In my opinion, I think that Laurie can be seen as a "creep" in the traditional sense of the word. However, I think that if all the facts had been presented fairly that his actions would make more sense and people would not think as bad of him as they currently do.

Julian Jimenez said...

Yes I do believe that Lurie is a creep for following the women because he always wants to know what their doing and just wants to know everything. He goes and gets the record from Melanie and also hires someone to spy on the prostitute. Also being attracted towards someone who you see as a little child is creepy because he is an old man too.

Zuri Thorpe said...

I believe that Professor Lurie is a creep because of his serious problem managing women. He may not have much of a problem getting the women, but he has serious issues when ending a relationship. He loses his sense of boundaries. He is a very intelligent individual, a college professor he knows the boundaries of professionalism and what should not be done. But when a relationship is ending he finds some way to escape the morals of what is right and wrong. Then instead he acts as a teenage boy stalking the women, bypassing all the signs that warn him to back off. What defines him as a creep is that he knows that what he is doing is wrong, but he cannot stop himself from going after his desires.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I do think David is a creep because he follows these woman and stalk these woman because he is lonely. I think thats the reason why his daughter dont live with him. A question i would know is what was david wife if he had one, or his baby mother like. What would people think about her.

RyanSmith said...

I think David Lurie is a creep. He is a 52 year old man who wants women two times younger than he is. He seems to get attached to women really quickly and tends to start stalking them after a while, like with Soraya. In the case with Melanie its even more creepy because she is one of his students.

Owen Doane said...

I do think that David Lurie is a creep for following those women. It is obvious that he could not understand by the fact that these women did not make an effort to contact him was proof that they did not want to speak with him. Even though they did not contact him he still called their homes and tried to meet up with them. It is even more creepy that he is comfortable having an affair with one of his students even though she obviously is reluctant to do so.

RJ Schmitz said...

David Lurie is a creep for following those women. He has tried and failed to find a stable, long-term relationship with another woman, and now resorts to prostitutes and eventually one of his students to satiate his sexual desires.

floridaboycraig said...

David Lurie is a creep and he needs help. This guy is wierd for following around women like as he has no life. David Lurie is weird for even thinking about doing this. When he tries to get close to his student, that makes everything more obvious that he needs help, and needs to stop trying to prove ridiculous things to himself.

ryankwasnik said...

David Lurie is a creep one hundred percent. For one, he is 52 years old, and he is hitting one 19 year olds. He isn’t just hitting on them either. He happens to be a big stalker too. Especially when he calls Melanie at her house. He is old enough to be her dad, and he is sleeping with her.

Vincent Peck said...

Yes, i do think that professor Lurie is a creep. The reason i think this is because he is a middle aged man, who is very lonely and just looking for sex. And the things that make him a creep is that he is seeking sex with women who are less than half his age. And finally the thing i think that makes him the biggest creep is that when he speaks of the young women he is seeing, he speaks of them as having bodies of little girls.

Mike said...

Of course Lurie is a "creep." The main issue with him following women around is the age difference between him and these women. He clearly needs some kind of psychological help sorting out some of these problems that he has, because he can't continue like this for much longer.

James Raymond said...

David Lurie is someone who I would consider, if I were his daughter, to get psychiatric help. Having a father with his issues and having thoughts of him doing these actions going through my head every time we come in contact, would haunt me forever. I know that his daughter would have these nightmares. The way he explains his pleasure and the woman he interacts with them physically, would scar me for the rest of my life.

Andrew Cosgrove said...

Well, Lurie remind me of a person I know named Alexander. Lurie like Alexander likes to have sex with young looking girls so they remind him of a child who is 12 years of age. In many ways it is very creepy and we should put these kinds of people in jail forever.

Kevin Gorman said...

I also believe that David Lurie is a creep following these women. Liek Jake said he went so far as to hire a detective to find Soraya, and looks through Melanies fills to find out her phone number and where she lives. This is stalking to the highest level.

Cameron said...

Yes, I do believe that David Lurie is a creep since he likes to follow women. He seems like he can never get over with something he had. I found it really weird when he actually hired a private investigator to find out all about Soraya after she stopped seeing him for sex. But, mostly I found it strange that he kept following Melanie even after he left the school. I think the boyfriend was right trying to get the old man away from his girl, such as the scene where he made him leave Melanie’s play near the end of the book.

Kirby Riehl said...

David Lurie is a real creep. It kind of scares me in a little bit, to see a man follow and stalk prostitutes. When he has the relationship with Melanie, his own relationship, he is 52 years old going after a 19, 20 year old girl. He said she had hip like a 12 year old or something like that. That is creepy. The man has problems.

Corey Landon09 said...

Professor Lurie is not the most normal person that I have ever read about. He has a very odd sense about him that I just don’t understand is that he insists on having sex each day in order to make his day complete . The main problem that I have with this guy is that he follows women that are 30 years younger than him. You honestly have to be pretty desperate if you have to chase girls in your own class that you teach in order to have a relationship with women. This man even goes as far as looking up records about certain girls. There is many times through this book where Lurie is a creeper and no one does anything about besides Melanie’s boyfriend.

Brian Petroski said...

I believe that Lurie is a creep. I follows women and gets there numbers and tries to have sex wtih them whenever he wants. All he wants from these women is sex and doesnt care how they feel about it, he will still try to do whatever he can to have sex with him and have that feeling of a relationship.q

Leroy B.III NFL32 said...

David Lurie is creep because he is following these woman around like their is no tomorrow. If he plays his cards right maybe he can get the woman to follow him around. But what he is doing is plain crazy and yes he is defined as a creep. For example, when he pops up to see Soraya out of the blue when she is with her kids.

Derrick Samuelson said...

Yes, I do believe that David Lurie is a creep because he wants to get with younger women. He has had two wives and got divorced by both of them. He is a fifty-two year old who one day hits on one of his college students and almost rapes her.

tymetrius said...

I think he is a creep for following those women because he is too old to be chasing after women who are in college or younger. He has a bad problem with women and he feels that the only way he can get some pleasure is to mess with younger women then that is very crazy.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I think that Professor Lurie is a creep. First he followed his prostitute around the city and waited for her to notice him causing that relationship to end. Second he tries to seduce with Melanie his student. Then goes to the records to find out where she lives and to go "surprise" her and go on a date because he is to paranoid to just let it go and not think about it all the time.

kicker said...

Yes, I think that David is a creep, but only for going after Mel. Mel is a twenty year old student of his. David is more then double her age and it is just wrong for a teacher to sleep with there student and what he did with her could be called rape.

zach schwartzman said...

I do feel that professor Lurie can be a creep. Eventhough I know that he is a very lonley man it still does'nt give him the right to stalk woman. I do think that he is a very lonely man and that he really is just looking for attention and someone to talk to, but it does'nt justify his means to harass woman; espesially his students!

zach schwartzman said...

I do feel that professor Lurie can be a creep. Eventhough I know that he is a very lonley man it still does'nt give him the right to stalk woman. I do think that he is a very lonely man and that he really is just looking for attention and someone to talk to, but it does'nt justify his means to harass woman; espesially his students!

zach schwartzman said...

I do feel that professor Lurie can be a creep. Eventhough I know that he is a very lonley man it still does'nt give him the right to stalk woman. I do think that he is a very lonely man and that he really is just looking for attention and someone to talk to, but it does'nt justify his means to harass woman; espesially his students!

Cody Steward said...

If David wasn't so old I would say that he wasn't a creep, but since he's in his 50s and stealing Melanie's personal info so he can find out where she lives and everything, I would say that he is a creep. It's one thing to be close in age to the person, but even then you're still pretty ill minded to go around stalking these girls.

nick price said...

I believe that Professor Lurie is definitely a creep, considering his age and Melanie's age, which is a good thirty years or so apart. And several times when he is looking at her and is thinking of her, he compares her to a child. Any fifty year old man who goes after that young of a woman, especially one of his own pupils, is most certainly considered a creep to me.

09dparker said...

David Lurie creeps out all the women he talks to because he only thinks about sex. Plus he doesn't care how old the girl is he will date a 15 year old girl if he can. As long as she having sex with him he doesn't care. That's why his affairs with women usually end so fast because she scares the women. The bad thing about it that he doesn't think that he is doing anything bad or weird.

sep said...

David Lurie is defeetly a creep. He finds new younger women to have sex with, and when they dont do what he wants or is not were he wants them to be he goes creeping around to find them. by looking up there home phone numbers, and house adresses. though the part alone that makes him a major creep is when he starts to pursue his students. David Laurie is the defenition of a creep.

M.S said...

Yes I think that Lurie is a creep. I think that he has the wrong job for his personality. I think that he should of been fired and not of been welcomed back to the university. I think that he is weird and I would have reported him way before Melanie did. I wouldn't of let him even touch me or take me out to lunch.

rob nicholl said...

Yes I do think David Laurie is a creep. I also agree with Butters with the fact that he has the wrong job. With him working at a place where he can watch college girl, that’s just asking for trouble.

st.joe#9Artis holt said...

Yes I do agree with labeling Mr. Lurie a creep. Through the entire book the way he carrys himself with women are are wild to the point you might laugh.

Justin Mills said...
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Justin Mills said...

Yes, David Lurie is a creep for almost stalking those women. He imagined one of the women as almost looking like she was 12, i think that qualifies as creepy.

Dirty Pete said...

I beleive that David Lurie is a creep for following those women. He is an old man who is trying to cling to his youth by sleeping with younger women. I guess he feels that your only as old as the women you sleep with.

Joey Barrick said...

David Lurie is definitely a creep for following after all these women; even hiring a private investigator to chase one down, but in a way I don't blame him. He is a middle aged single man, living alone, who doesn't have anything to show for his life besides a couple divorces and a daughter that he cannot relate to. It's understandable why he acts the way does; however, I am not saying that what he does is right.

Chris Bodan said...

One should try to steer away from asking these types of questions on this type of blog. It brings no challenge or intelligent discussion to the table. With that said I will say that Lurie had descended into what one could call a creep. At the very beginning of the story he was content with his life but his insatiable need for sex drove him to what one would call a creep. Mr. Dutrow, if you are reading this you should try to urge for a bit deeper or more intelligent questions. He doesn't even have a question mark.

Joe Dingle-EL said...

I think he is creep. He is alway talking about women remind him of little girls. Then what teacher you know what try to have a affair with their student. Also if i women he was talking to would want their space he would start to stalk them and start to get all in the personal life.For example he called melanies parents to try make them enroll her back in school. I would have to sa that he is a big creep.

Kevin Curley said...

I think it is fairly normal for every man as he ages to fantasize about younger women, except Lurie was an old man who had to go farther than just fantasizing. I feel it was very creepy to do what he did and to stalk those women to the extent that he did.

zach ackerman said...

I do believe he is a creep. He showed us he is not capable of having a relationship with a woman his age without using money. So he decides to take advantage of a young student who seems to only do it to get a good grade in the class. He is a creep any grown man that does that to a young innocent girl is a creep.