Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Brave New World and Gattaca

We can see some similarities and differences between the world in Gattaca and Brave New World. The ability to modify the genetic makeup of a baby and the different castes. Since Gattaca supposedly takes place in the not too distant future. Could the events in Gattaca help change the world into the society we see in Brave New World. Pretty much could Gattaca be a prequel to Brave New World.


davies molloy said...

I don't see why not, while both movies of course take extreme views to make their points, it is not like things like this have not been tried in the past. in the 1920's the U.S government tried to kill all dwarves and midgets in America, in the not so distant future with war, poverty, and social unrest burgeoning on the horizon, i could see the world governments taking it upon themselves to try and genetically engineer the human race to be smarter, faster, stronger and better.

Jake Hulsey said...

I thought the movie and book went very hand in hand. Gattica is a more realistic society that could exist in the future. Even today we see discrimination because of certain "problems" with people. In the future there will most likely be discrimination according to the way we are created and babies will be lab created to a certain perfection. It is interesting to see Gattica while reading a brave new world because they are so similar but at the same time have differences that make them unique. Either one could be existant in the future with a few differences, but all in all the idea is very interesting.

Chris Bodan said...

I see Gattaca as the perfect transition into the setting of Brave New World. There are already many instances of prejudice towards the people that are born normally and a caste system seems to be taking effect. However there is no reason for government control in Gattaca at that point in time. I see Gattaca as more of a corporate run society as opposed to Brave New World's Government run society.

Julian Jimenez said...

I do think that the world of Gattaca could be a prequel to Brave New World because of the way they see the different people. The people who work there only take the best of the best and if they see any flaw in a person then their out as a candidate. This could eventually segway into that assembly line of babies so they know what the people grow up to be. It also seems like Brave New World would have greater technology and that can only come with time so Gattaca could be a perfect prequel to Brave New World.

Cameron said...

I do believe that Gattica can turn into a Brave New World due to the technology that was presented in the movie. Gattica was already a strict place for everyone and it was for the higher class. Also the lower class seemed to be the Epsilons working for the Alphas. Gattica may already be a Brave New World.

tabbannister8 said...

I think that they both are very similar. Gattica has a couple of things different from the book but is still very close to the book. It would make a good perqual to Brave New World. There are some similarities like all the tests and requirements for people to match. And the makeup of babies for specific jobs is present in both. It is pretty magnificant that people can raise other people to be a certain way, height, weight, intelligence, and all.

Joey Barrick said...

I found it interesting what Davies wrote: "I could see the world governments taking it upon themselves to try and genetically engineer the human race." While the technology may arise to do such a thing, I think that the ethical aspect of altering the human race may play a role in whether or not that actually happens. I'm sure there will be many a people who would say make the human race the best it can be, but on the other hand I guarantee there will be people saying "if it ain't broken, don't fix it."

CJones said...

Yes i think that Gattica and Brave New World could be prequeled becuase. this is becuase they both used the idea of classes of the people. depending on who you are you would wrok a sertan job becuase of this. That is why i feel they could be prequeled.

Mike Sipes said...

I do think it might change some ways in Brave New World but it would not change all of them. The world just might be come Gattaca and if that happens I think the world would be better off.


The movie and book went very hand in hand. Gattica is the society too similar to Brave New World that could exist in the near future. i could see the world governments taking it upon themselves to try and genetically engineer the human race to be smarter, faster, stronger and better.

Owen Doane said...

I think that the movie Gattaca could be a prequel to the novel Brave New World. The technology that is displayed in the movie Gattaca resembles the beginnings of the technology that is used to develop the society contain within Brave New World. Therefore Gattaca could have been the precurser to the society that is dipicted in the story of Brave New World.

iThRoWdAhEaDoVv said...

I think that technology's evolution to creating and manipulating human embryo's would be perhaps the greatest scientific break through ever. It also could be a great hinderance as well. When the ming learns and grows to such capacity we begin to tamper with Gods creation and go against God himself, we should never be able to act as God.

Todd Ferguson said...

Yes, it could be a prequal because in Gattica people are somewhat normal in the things that they do but I can definately see the society turn into something like Brave New World where all the people realy on sex and drugs. It seems like if Brave New World was the sequal to Gattica then the society would have went down hill.

zach schwartzman said...

I defintley think that Gattaca could come from the book. I feel this way because both the book and movie are very similar and seem to go hand in hand. I think that Gattca could be what has led from "Brave New World" because in Gattaca they are finding exactly what problems and talents people have and in the book they were just cloning people. So, in Gattaca people learn how to test people to and not just put them in a class that they belong in.

Andrew Cosgrove said...

I don’t think Gattaca could ever happen in society because as human beings if something is not fair than someone will complain. Eventually there will be civil rights movements about people who are not perfect not getting jobs.