Sunday, March 8, 2009


What would you do if you was in the same situation as the father and the son?


09dparker said...

If i was put into their situation I would try to live as long as possible but I wouldn't surround myself with alot of people that could slow me down. I would just be with strong memebers that can handle themselves just incase we would get into a crazy situation.


If I was in that same situation, I would do anything to survive, survive on anything and keep going. I would Keep talking to my son

zach ackerman said...

I personally would try and survive. I would not and could not kill myself. I feel that there is always that slim chance that you will make it out of this tough time and find people and civilization. I would keep fighting on.

Kashon Wells 09 said...

I don't think I would be able to kill myself. I think I would have to keep trying and believe that there is something better around the next corner. I would try to keep to myself, and trust no one to keep myself safe.

Stefan said...

If I was in that situation, I would have tried to stay alive for as long as I can. I would travel alone because I wouldn’t want it to be someone else’s fault I get caught or end up dying. I would do all the necessary things needed to survive by eating whatever I get and ravaging through places to support myself.

RyanSmith said...

If I was in that situation I would make sure my son and I kept our composure. I would make sure if there wasn't enough food for the both of us always make sure my son ate. As bad as the times are he would look at me as a source of courage so he knows that he can keep at it.

Kevin Gorman said...

If I was in this situation I would also try to live on as long as possible. We are given one life, and I would live it to the fullest no matter how bad the world is.

Julian Jimenez said...

If I was put into that situation I would also fight to stay alive because that is just human nature. Also I don't think that I could ever kill myself even if it did get really bad. I would take that small chance of finding something better like a civilization over killing myself.

Cody Steward said...

If I were in that situation I would try to live as long as possible, I don't think I could bring myself to kill a person though, and I wouldn't cheat myself out of a meal just so my son could have the whole thing.

zach schwartzman said...

If I were in the man and boy's position I would definitley keep on fighting and handle the situation the best that I could. I would always try to remain posotive and if I were the man I would try to be helpful to my son and show him how to never give up!

floridaboycraig said...

If i was in the same situation as the father and the son, i would try to adapt to the surroundings as long as possible and if everything is going bad i would change the life style im living so i can live a better life.

Cameron said...

I would continue to fight against the adversities that are faced against me and my son. I couldn’t give up and call it quits because there is so much to live for no matter how bad the situations may be. If you continue to fight long enough, good will come out of it.

Kirby Riehl said...

If i was put in these situations, I probably would try to survive because that is best way possible. I really couldn't let someone eat me because that would just suck and the bullets from the gun would probably be gone by now that simple.

CJones said...

If i was in there shoes i would be doing the same thing as them. i would be trying to find somewhere to start over and to start a new life.

sep said...

If I were in their situation, I would have tried to make allies with as many other people as I could so that we could form a group and could share our supplies. That way I never would have had to go hungry and in the case that someone in my group or myself were to get sick or injured, we could help to keep each other going.

Dirty Pete said...

BNW? Don't you mean The Road? Anyways, if I were in the father's situation I would do my best to keep my son hopeful. Morale is all they have in this ruined world. If I were in the son's place, I would pretty much just listen to my father. I probably would not be too down in the dumps because I would have been born and raised in this type of world and not know any better.

ttk said...

If I were in the same situation as the boy and his father, I think that I would attempt to live as long as I could,even if that meant taking away from someone else. It's a every man for himself society and you must adapt to that.

Joe Dingle-EL said...

If there was the same father son relationship like in the road in brave new world i would go crazy. But i would try to do what ever i had to do to survive. But i would mostly would try to find regular people like my self so that i would have a little army or team so that wen could stuck together.