Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Animal Farm

What did you think About ANimal Farm is it related to anything we've read or you have read in class or anywhere


Mike Sipes said...

I don’t think that Animal Farm has anything to do with what we have read over the year. The book is about animals trying to find their own paradise were they are not ruled by humans.

Stefan said...

I don't believe that Animal Farm has to deal with anything that we read this year. Overall, it's a funny movie.

rob nicholl said...

I agree with stefan and Sipes, Animal farm has nothing to do with anything that we have read. In my opinion it is a really bad movie

Mike Childs said...

To be honest, no it has nothing to do with anything we have read this year. It was completely random and far off from anything we have read. I thought it was a funny movie personally.

zach ackerman said...

I find animal farm to be strange. The only other book I see it being related to would be brave new world just because it is about seeking a so called better life.

jakemarshalll said...

it reminds me of communism and of the book 1984, with nepolitan as lenin/Big Brother. I am not sure, but i believe that the writer of animal farm also wrote 1984.(tell me if iam wrong)Overall,i thought it was a dumb movie,the british accents really got annoying, and the animals(especially the damn sheep) made me frustrated that they kept believing the pigs new laws/rules written on the side of the barn. i give it a big thumbs down.

iThRoWdAhEaDoVv said...

Im mad they made a movie about thi. I thought this was kinda silly when I accidentally read the book during the summer. Just so not related.

floridaboycraig said...

The animal farm is similar to a book called Babe. Babe was similar in many ways because they both had talking animals going on adventures and trying to save something.

Cameron said...

This movie didn’t relate to anything that we have done all year. I thought the movie was horrible and the ending was even worst. I felt like walking out of the class because the movie made me so mad.

Robert Miller said...

Animal Farm had nothing to do with any of the books we've read this year. I can't name any books that might follow the story line as Animal Farm, but their are books that follow the same kind of sequence. Overthrow reigning government, the farmer because they can do better; life starts off great after reigning power is overthrown, then new power, the pigs, start to become power hungry and do everything in their favor and not of people's or animal's for that matter; and have a rebellion or people or animals leave.

Owen Doane said...

I do not think that the movie Animal Farm that we watched in class can be related to any of the things we did this year without stretching the main points of one story or another. I do think that the movie was intersting and had a good point to it. I understand why the brit lit. had to read this book over the summer it is interesting and yet can teach a valuable lesson.

kicker said...

I really don't think that Animal Farm had anything to do with the class. It was a funny movie thought. i did not mind watching it. I liked it better then reading or something boring like that.

Kevin Gorman said...

I agree with Zach, the only book I think Animal Farm is similar to is Brave New World. The Animals in this movie are trying to find a new life away from Humans, and I think Brave New World has that same kind of theme.

Todd Ferguson said...

I don't think that animal farm has to do with any book that we have read this year at all. In any of our books there were no animals taking over anything or talking to their owners.

Zuri Thorpe said...

I don't really see where the connection was to anything that we have read this year. It was very interesting to say the least. It was an animal version of Hitler's story, which I found pretty boring. This movie just did not appeal to me. I think that it could have been made a lot more interesting with a better script.

Leroy B.III NFL32 said...

I don't think Animal Farm has anything to do with anything we read this year. It's just a hilarious movie. The animals just took over and started their own type of government without humans.

st.joe#9Artis holt said...

No not to me the Animal Farm was totally different from this other stories we read.The Animal Farm had itss own style with talking animals.

James Raymond said...

I think Animal Farm reminds me of Brave New World in a different light. It is dealing with the same struggles and issues that the people had to deal with living in the World State. Always being watched, having to obey these rediculous rules and living a life sometimes we dont want to. Just like the dog was kind of like Bernard in the sense that they hated living by what society wanted them to live like. Going against the grain.

zach schwartzman said...

Even though I feel that animal farm doesnt have anything to do with what I have read over the last four years, I do feel that it relates to Hitler's Nazi Germany. It shows how one person starts blaming an innocent person and then he gets all the power, and takes over the society.

Joey Barrick said...

To be completely honest, at first I had trouble seeing how "Animal Farm" fit in with anything else that we have been reading in class, but the more I think about it the more I realize that it is just like the other utopian societies that we have been reading about all year long. Animals trying to find the perfect community is very similar to a futuristic, perfect worl, or a post-apocolyptic father and son searching for peace.

Babdo said...

I did not like the movie. I found it to be very slow and not very good. The acting, pecial effects, and over all story line was bad. I had a tough time following along with the movie and following along with what this had to do with what we were talking about. I think a new movie next year is in oder.

ryankwasnik said...

Animal farm had to be the weirdest story line of anything. It was very random and dumb. It wasn’t close to anything that we have read this, year and that’s a good thing.

tymetrius said...

Animal far m didnt reallly have to deal with anything we read this year I mean gaining power and holding your own grown is an everyday life thing for everyone but other than that i dont see any comparison with anything we read

CJones said...

I thought that Animal Farm was ok, but i could not relate it to anything we have read in class. instead the m0vie had alot to do with people of other races,age, and gender and how they can be descriminated against.

Drew B. said...

I agree with Jacob Marshall on this. Animal Farm was written by the same author as 1984, and it is supposed to show how a tyrant can take over power by promising a better life. Similar to many brutal men, such as Lenen and Hitler, Napoleon was a brutal "ruler" of sorts.

RJ Schmitz said...

Animal Farm in my opinion didn't have anything to do with what we've read this year. Although one could make a case that it could be a metaphorical precursor to the events in Gattaca and Brave New World. Though the leaders in Gattaca and Brave New World weren't as overbearing about there power and didn't eventually die out.

Mike said...

No, it really had nothing to do with anything that we read in our class this year. I think that the story itself was more than just about a bunch of funny animals coming up with their own form of government, but it really didn't relate to anything we read.

Justin Mills said...

Yes, in a more silly way Animal Farm is related to some things we have read. The whole idea behind Animal Farm is a dystopia. Same as in Brave New World. They are very similar in some ways.

sep said...

I don't think Animal Farm is related to anything we have read in our class this year, but I know I've learned stuff that has to do with the book in the past. Animal Farm is like one giant metaphor for Stalinism and the pigs are the Communists who tried to rule everything in a very bad way. This reminds me of things I've learned in my history classes in the past years.

RyanSmith said...

Animal Farm has nothing to do with what we read this year. The movie was about animals trying to overtake human power on a farm.

Joe Dingle-EL said...

i think was different from evrything we have read this year. because of the simple fact of the matter it was about a bunch o talking animals.but it was a very funny movie.

Cody Steward said...

I don't like Animal Farm at all, I think it's one of the worst stories ever. Maybe if you were a very anti communist person in the late 40s and 50s you would find it funny. I doesn't really have anything to do with anything we read this year.

ttk said...

I think that Animal Farm was irrelated to anything that we have read this year, as well as it being a hard and difficult movie to conceptually visualize.