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This blog is for Mr. Dutrow's ENG 241 classes. Participating in this blog will enhance our discussions in class and add to your class participation grade. Discussions should be limited to topics of world literature and should, at all times, be appropriate.
I do believe that the father and the boy will make make it to the coast. I believe that after all their hard work and all of their hardships that they faced through their journey, they should make it to the coast. I belive that there will be a camp set up for people traveling and that they will become part of that society. The father will not have to always watch out for the boy as he has done. And the father will be able to get the help that he needs in order to recover from his illness.
I believe they will make it to the coast but it wont is anything different from what they've been going through. I feel that just because people are on the coast doesn't mean that they weren't affected. I think they'll get to the coast and maybe find a group of people like themselves but nothing much will change.
Yes I do think theat they will make it to the coast and possibly survive. Reading this I believe that they will meet up with regular non-cannibal people with women and food, clothes, basically a good amount of people.
I don’t think they will make it to the coast. We don’t know the severity of the father’s sickness and cough will affect him and their travel. They have been close to being caught by people and it might finally catch up to them.
I agree with Stefan that they will not make it to the coast. So far this entire book has been nothing but dismal so I do not think that this book will have a happy ending. I think that if they did reach a civilization and lived "happily ever after" it would not fit the rest of the story. It would be out of place.
Who really knows if they will make it to the coast or not it really all depends on the man. if he can survive that with his health the way it is it will be miracle but i think the father will die towards the end of the book. The fathers main priority is to watch after the boy and make sure he is safe at all times . not matter wether it may cost him his life or not if the boy is safe he is a happy man. but when they find the coast they may find people there or they may find something they helps them live just a little while longer.
I do think that the father and son will make it to the coast because they have been through some tough times and came out alive. They have shown me that they can get through many things that normal people couldn't. I think that there will be a little civilization or a small group of people becasue the coast could make it possible for the land to grow food.
The man had the right intention to go for the coast, but I think he knew all along that reaching the coast was pretty much an impossible task for the two of them. He was just telling the boy that they could still reach it in order to keep his spirits up.
Well Mike Cole they did in fact reach the task making it not so impossible. It did take a long time, energy, and courage but eventually they did...even though they moved away from it which I found to be rather odd.
I think that something bad is going to happen because throughout the story they keep getting lucky in dangerous situations and I think their luck just might run out towards the end of the book.
I do not think they are going to make it to the end of th coast it is to dangerous out there for them and they do not have enough resources to survive off of.
They have been walking long distance and still haven't founded no help or relife. So i dont think there will be another civilization waiting for them. But i do think they will make it to the coast.
I would imagine they would make it to the coast, but I see them running into more of the same old things. It would take people a long time to start over again after that. They would definitely need to put a system of gov't in as well.
Yes i do think they will make it to the coast. No i dont think there will be a civilization waiting for them, i think they were the only people on the coast.
I honestly think that it will be the same everywhere. If an atomic bomb went off throughout the United States of America, most likely life will be gone and civilization will be ruined. Hopefully everything will turn out fine for them and they will be able to make their lives better.
I believe they will make it to the coast. I mean nothing has really got in their way yet that was really life threating. I do not think their will be anyone waiting for them when they get there. I believe it is going to be like the rest of the book because they say that is how all the world is no. So I think when they reach the coast no one will be there and they will be alone like they are now.
I do believe they will make it to the cost. i don't think that there will be much of anything when they get there. i feel that it was just away to keep the boy alive longer then he would have of they stayed in one place.
I think that the ending to The Road was a fitting ending to the novel. The man always knew that he wasn't going to be living with his conditions so we see the man teaching the boy all the time but not memory games or that sort but lessons of how to survive. The man taught the boy not to stay at the waterfall or other attractions for more than a day or two, staying in the bunker, where they could live until the food ran out, not building fires so they can be seen, and collecting everything that holds value for their survival. So when the man died it was kind of sad but it was fitting so that all of the training that the father did with the boy wasn't in vain and the boy would be able to survive on his own with or without the group that he went along with.
Yes I do. This would make a poor ending if otherwise. The boy cares for everyone, and puts other needs in front of his. He is the sign of hope in this circumstance, making that goal very possible. I cant see the ending any other way.
I think they will make it to the coast because otherwise the whole book would be pointless. So far, their only goal has been to survive long enough to make it to the ocean. I also think there will be some sort of center set up for other survivors and they will live in their own little mini city. I hope there are a lot of other survivors so that they can all join together and support each other.
I think they will make it to the coast, because the book would have been totally pointless if they didn't. I do not think the shore will be an oasis; however, I think it will probably be better than the conditions of the road on which they have been traveling on. I do not think there will be a civilization waiting for them there, because I don't think a "civilization" exists anymore.
Well, while I was reading it I thought that the dad would not make it and that the boy would.My thoughts were right. I just never thought that the Man would make it because of his sickness. Plus, now after the blow through his leg, I dont believe that he would have made it ever with medical help. The boy also did not surprise me. I figured he was a more special person than the man and that he was destond for better and greater things. With this, he will save the world.
I think the man and the boy will make it to the coast and they will be happy for a wile. I think the man will have a hard time with his health and will probably die at the very end of the book. I think the book will show that there is a better life a head for the boy.
I think the man and the boy will make it the coast because they trying so hard to overcome everything they face. But you know how these books are, something interesting always happens to make the reader wanting more.
In my opinion i dont think both of them will make it just from th esimple fact that the father can not do it all by himself. As for the world being civil at the end to dont agree with that also.
Yes, I do believe that they will make it to the coast. I also believe that their will be cilivization on the coast that will take them in and feed,bathe, and clothe them so that they will get better.
I do think the boy and the father will make it to the coast, but doubt that there will be a civilization waiting for them as the father keeps telling the boy. The coast is a place where many people live therefore it would probably be in even worse condition than cities that are more toward the interior of the United States.
I think that the man and boy will make it to the coast, because it would be very dissappointing if throughout the whole novel, they go through all these tough times to just not make it there. It would be as if all they had done would be for nothing which would not fit well.
Nearing the end of the book I feel that the man will never be able to see civilization. I don’t think there is any civilization left on the earth. The man appears to be very sick and throughout the book becomes weaker and weaker until eventually he dies.
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