Sunday, March 22, 2009


Compare and contrast the novel and film.


M.S said...

I think these two pieces of literature have a different story line but are very similar in a couple of ways. One way they are similar is that they have two “bad” group one the blood-cults and the other is the Holinists (spelling). Another similarity is that we have a character in each book that is “carrying the fire” which means that the hope is still alive. They are the man and the kid then the postman. Lastly, I think that in the end of the movie and novel these main characters are meant to do something.

tabbannister8 said...

I believe that The Road and The Postman are very similar. They share a couple of themes like the end of the world and groups that are trying to have their own society. But a key difference between the two is that in the postman he really does not have anyone to be with nor does he have a goal to do. When we see the boy and the man they are trying to reach the coast and want to meet other people. I also believe that a key difference between the two is that the postman has a major job and role in the film instead of just two people roaming around aimlessly.

Corey Landon-09 said...

The film and the book have similarites that most of us see and understand. The film has a this type of feeling that the world is a bad place and there is no good that comes out of it. Just like in the book. Its very dark and gray filled with bad people ,that are only on earth for themselves and dont care what happens to anyone one else. There is a groups that try and control the world that they are in and thats another similarity that plagues both of this pieces.

davies molloy said...

in The Road, it is a man and a boy just trying to keep alive, and avoiding people at all costs, in The Postman Kevin Costner goes from town to town, trying to spread hope, and get some food on the side. while you may be able to compare them at a base level, i don't believe that they have much in common at all. i do believe though that both do represent easily possible situations that could spring forth after a catastrophic war, The Road is more brutal in its portrayal because no one will go to the movies to watch nonstop starvation and death.

Todd Ferguson said...

I think The Road and the Postman were somewhat alike. They both took place in post apocalyptic times, they were in the U.S., they also had to watch out for people who were out to get them (holonists and cults). The one thing that was different though was that in the Postman they didn't have to run from a storm to keep alive. In the Postman they could just stay in a city and live there.

iThRoWdAhEaDoVv said...

The novel the Road and the movie The Postman defenently have that same end of world theme to it. The two start the same as well but when the plot starts building they seem to obtain there own identity. But overall i think that the two give the same message.

tymetrius said...

I really didn't think that the novel and the movie had similarities. The book was all about surviving and the movie had a theme of having power or taking control. Even though its started out with a man by himself he found a group of people that were willing to help him. The novel doesn't have many people and most people were only worried about themselves.

Julian Jimenez said...

I think that the novel and film are different because in The Road there are few people still alive and in the film there are many people still surviving with the Postman. There are still bad groups of people in both the book and the film; these are the savages and the guy from Remember the Titans in the film. Another difference is that in the book they are trying to survive to live and in the film they are trying to reestablish a new type of govermnet.

Anonymous said...

The Road and The Postman are the same but there different. They are different because they are accomplishing different goals and The Postman represents unity and the Road Doesn't. But They are the same because they represent that end of the world feeling dead and sorrowful, and both have people that are after them to kill them.

09dparker said...

The movie the Postman was less interesting than The Road just because the Postman didnt get to be good til the end of the movie. The beginning of the movie was boring not until he became the postman the movie wasnt about nothin special. The Road had people reading the book fro start to finish because it wasnt a regular novel that people read each day.

Cody Steward said...

Well, I find the Postman, to be slightly similar to the Road, but not that similar. In the Postman you had Kevin Kostner's character, who could have been seen as a messiah, or savior, and in the Road that is what the Boy is compared to a few times. In the Postman though, it ends up being two forces, the post office people and the Holnists fighting against eachother for power. And No one in the Postman really ever went starving, except maybe the recruits in the Holnist army.

Mike said...

I think the main difference between the two is the fact that there really is no sense of hope when you are reading The Road, opposed to when you are watching The Postman. The Postman learns to trust the people he meets, while the man from The Road views everyone as a threat to him and the boy.

zach schwartzman said...

Even though the movie and books times and settings are very different I feel that they are similar in many ways as well also. The main reason why I feel this way is because in both the film and the book, obviously some kind of disaster happened, but more importantly it is how the people deal with this knew reality. In both the story and the book people form their own groups and societies and you can somewhat compare the army in the movie to the blood cult in the book because they both are killing people.

floridaboycraig said...

The Raod and The Postman are similar by the civilizations for each of them were very small and not very populated. When each of the people in the novel and the movie found other people they had differences in there decisions.

James Raymond said...

The movie and the novel can be looked at in complete different ways. First, the movie is set where there are two groups of people, the one group wants to go back to its similar ways by restoring America and the values and laws that America goes by. Then there is a group (sort of like the bloodcults) form to stop going back to the old ways and to reform in like the olden days with one ruler and killing is their main subject. Both the movie and the novel can be related in the sense of survival and how people are willing to do anything in order to survive.

Brian Petroski said...

I think The Road and The Postman were very similar. They both were about a world that has been destroyed and everybody wanted the nation to be re-established. But they were also different. When the Man and the Boy went on their jounrney they did not run into a group of people who built their own fortress.

Kirby Riehl said...

I think that The Postman and The Road are not really similar at all. The beginning of the movie kind of was when he went to the town to beg for food, that was about it. The Road is more about trying to survive on your own, this man had people and food to survive with so I am not really sure how these two are the same.

ryankwasnik said...

I think that both are very similar in a couple of ways. For one, they both have the goal of survival. Also, they have groups of enemies trying to kill one another and end up surviving the battle at the end. The part that is different is what banister said, that the omega man had a plan to take care of the monsters and cure the disease, and the other two were random people roaming around.

CJones said...

I feel that the postman and the road are similar in way. one is that the idea of a government and laws are gone. the people run freely to do what they half to to survive.but unlike the road the post man the people live together and they do not in the road.

Robert Miller said...

I think that the novel and film are different because in The Road there are few people still alive and in the film there are many people still surviving with the Postman. There are still bad groups of people in both the book and the film; these are the savages and the guy from Remember the Titans in the film. Another difference is that in the book they are trying to survive to live and in the film they are trying to reestablish a new type of government.

Kevin Curley said...

I think "The Road" and "The Postman" are similar in that something terrible has happened in America which caused many people to die and render all means of modern communication useless. In "The Road" the cause of the damage was some sort of bomb, but in "The Postman" I remember them saying it was some sort of biological disease which killed off most of America. They are different in that "The Road" has much less survivors and a more barbaric means of living than the people in "The Postman" do

Dirty Pete said...

The Postman was very different from The Road. I do not think the maker of The Postman was at all thinking about the book The Road when he was making the movie. The only similarity that the two have is a post apocolyptic time period and a mian character who still has faith in the future.


I believe that The Road and The Postman are very similar. The blood cults were very similar to the Holinistsm they were evil and corrupt. Lastly, I think that in the end of the movie and novel these main characters are meant to do something.

Leroy B.III NFL32 said...

The Road and The Postman are different in some ways. For example, The Postman has no tragic event that wiped out the whole population. But they both have evil groups of people.

ttk said...

These two literature pieces share very many similarities but some strong differences as well. The similarities are that the man is one of the few in a civilization and his lack of a formal name. Also, the bloodcults and the holminst groups were alike in the sense that they ruthlessly took. One difference though was the non existence of a boy in the movie.

Chris Bodan said...

The Road and The Postman both have similar post-apocalyptic themes but hold a different setting. One is a much more dire, deadly setting. While the other is relatively safe and closer to a world in colonial times.

Babdo said...

Between the two stories, I have to say that I enjoyed the story of the Road much more. The only reason I like this is because I enjoy to see the struggle between one man with a small amount of people left in the world, than a whole society left. I thought that the story in the road was just better and so much different than any other I’ve read.

rob nicholl said...

The Postman and The Road have many similarities such as the Blood cults figures in each story and the Man fighting for survival. In both stories there are very few people alive and they are trying to form a new society to live in.

st.joe#9Artis holt said...

These two were differnt to me fromt he themes and to the setting and whole main idea of the two stories.

Anonymous said...

I believe that the novel The Road and The Postman are similar in someways but also different.They are different because in The ROad the man and the boy try to avoid people at all costs. In The Postman Kevin Costner goes from each town tring to inspire the people of the town.

Joe Dingle-EL said...

I would day that the movie and the novel are both good story's book they have there differences. The boy would be similar to the postman because he had a since of hope and change and he was wanted peace so that all the violence would stop.At the end of both of the story's both the man and the boy made change that was going to change the future.

nick price said...

I feel that the movie The Postman and the novel The Road had little in common, except for a very basic plot breakdown: a tale of people trying to survive after the fall of civilization. Other than that, they two did not have much in common. In The Road, the boy and the man are constantly on the move trying to avoid everyone without even knowing if they are good or bad. In The Postman, he as always in contact with civilization, going from town to town delivering mail. It was not hard for him to survive because he was always getting food from the people in the towns, while the boy and the man are constantly starving and searching for their own food. It seems that it was much harder for the boy and the man to survive than it was for the Postman.

Andrew Cosgrove said...

The Postman compared to the novel The Road is very similar and different in many ways. The Road deals with a nuclear fall out while the Postman deals with disease that kills most people. The Postman still has civilization built into it while in The Road its every man for himself.

sep said...

The movie and book are two totally different stories but they each have the same main themes which are hope and survival. Even though the good guys from each work face "bad guys" (bloodcults and Holnists), they all still keep their hope and they do whatever it takes to survive. Whether it is steal or fight or kill. Something that makes them totally different is that The Road is more about lonliness too but in The Postman there is a big group of people together. I think it would definitely be a lot easier to be hopeful in the movie situation.

Joe Dingle-EL said...

the road and the postman were both very good novels that caught my attention. i really like the postman because it seem like it was more hope for a change that the nation cold come back togather and restore order. but in the road i think it was great becuase it had both the man and the boy to keep the readers company.

ttk said...

The Road and The Postman were very close because of the plot nature of it. The Road takes place in a post-apoptolyctic world as well as The Postman. They both had one key similarity, their were militais of sorts, far and wide.